Trent Cornford

Trent Cornford

Trent Cornford map marker

73 Mcllwraith Street Everton Park QLD 4053
Everton Park QLD 4053

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Trent Cornford


Ausure Insurance Solutions QLD

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Trent started his career with VACC insurance in the motor vehicle claims and underwriting. He worked in several roles in claims including the taxi industry, home warranty, New Zealand Earthquake Commission and many other forms of insurance. Trent has 13 years in the Broking Industry and specialises in providing tailored insurance programs for property, liability, professional risks, transit and motor vehicle insurance. He also provides solutions for hard to place risks. Trent is married to Caroline and has two children. Trent looks forward to playing more cricket and coaching when his sons are old enough to play.
Trent started his career with VACC insurance in the motor vehicle claims and underwriting. He worked in several roles in claims including the taxi industry, home warranty, New Zealand Earthquake Commission and many other forms of insurance. Trent has 13 years in the Broking Industry and specialises in providing tailored insurance programs for property, liability, professional risks, transit and motor vehicle insurance. He also provides solutions for hard to place risks. Trent is married to Caroline and has two children. Trent looks forward to playing more cricket and coaching when his sons are old enough to play.
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ACN 610964086
ARN 251968
CAR 1239856


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