Erin Ball

Erin Ball

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597 High Street Maitland, NSW 2320
Maitland NSW 2320

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Erin Ball


ARMA Insurance Brokers Hunter Valley

Review rating 1 review
General Insurance Broker and PA to Amanda Morris. I manage current clients insurance & claims and quote new cover. I am diligent, fair, honest, resilient and resourceful. I want to learn from challenges and bounce back from setbacks with a new approach or idea. At the moment, I am planning my wedding and am currently renovating my home. I love being in nature and love hikes in national parks. I'm out at the family cattle farm most weekends and love to feed the calves. I am proud to share that I was 2019 Trainee of the Year in the NSW Central Coast Region. I work hard to provide the best service, cover and information to clients. I believe that when we are fair and honest, we are able to achieve more. When it comes to claims and new cover quotes, I am the broker for you!
General Insurance Broker and PA to Amanda Morris. I manage current clients insurance & claims and quote new cover. I am diligent, fair, honest, resilient and resourceful. I want to learn from challenges and bounce back from setbacks with a new approach or idea. At the moment, I am planning my wedding and am currently renovating my home. I love being in nature and love hikes in national parks. I'm out at the family cattle farm most weekends and love to feed the calves. I am proud to share that I was 2019 Trainee of the Year in the NSW Central Coast Region. I work hard to provide the best service, cover and information to clients. I believe that when we are fair and honest, we are able to achieve more. When it comes to claims and new cover quotes, I am the broker for you!
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CAR 321762


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