Don Shields

Don Shields

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32-34 Ormond Road, East Geelong
Geelong VIC 3219

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Don Shields


Geelong Insurance Brokers

Review rating 2 reviews
Insurance Broker specialising in providing local service to clients in Geelong & District, but with clients throughout Australia (and some living overseas). We can arrange all types of insurance, both general & life, plus referrals to health insurers. We negotiate competitive prices & place covers, advise on risk management & adequacy of sums insured, and handle all policy administration throughout the year. We also assist with any claims, both lodgement, advice & negotiation of settlement. Additionally, we offer referral to other ancillary service providers.
Insurance Broker specialising in providing local service to clients in Geelong & District, but with clients throughout Australia (and some living overseas). We can arrange all types of insurance, both general & life, plus referrals to health insurers. We negotiate competitive prices & place covers, advise on risk management & adequacy of sums insured, and handle all policy administration throughout the year. We also assist with any claims, both lodgement, advice & negotiation of settlement. Additionally, we offer referral to other ancillary service providers.
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Location Geelong
Languages Spoken


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