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Why use an insurance broker for your Home & Contents or Landlords Insurance?

Simple answer is Product, Service and Price!
Product – Insurance brokers have access to a wide range of insurers. Many whom don’t sell direct to consumers. They evaluate your individual circumstances and source multiple quotes with different excess options and cover to suit your needs and then present those options to you. Most policies sold direct to consumer via phone or internet are very basic cover. Even the major well know brands generally offer a very low level of cover that only comes to light at claim time. Brokers now a days have access to both budget and Rolls Royce covers and can discuss the difference with you and the difference in cost. There is no insurance company in Australia offering a better policy wording direct to consumers compared to the policies insurance brokers have access to.
Service – Did you know when you deal with an insurance company directly, they’re always going to look out for their own best interests or the interests of their shareholders. This usually comes at the expense of you the customer. Ask yourself a question, do you think your insurance company would tell you if there was another deal out there cheaper and more suited to you with one of their competitors? Well this is exactly what an insurance broker does.  Your general insurance broker must deal in their client’s best interests. This means sourcing the best deal for you each year. Not just year 1 to gain a sale. Another added benefit that many people don’t often realise is that your broker helps guide you through the claims process, lodges this on your behalf and does the dealing with the insurer. A good insurance broker will never let their clients loose dealing directly with an insurer. It’s an old saying that insurers look for ways to decline claims, insurance brokers look for ways to get claims paid.
Price – Historically speaking customers believe by shopping online they’re guaranteed to save money. Perhaps this is the case in other industries with other products. This has never been further from the truth with respect to general insurance. Currently my firm is sitting on a 90% strike rate on all home contents and landlords quotes we’re providing to our clients. This would indicate that when it comes to price, we’re beating others in the market hands down. Our renewal retention rates sit above 95% of all renewals which says once customers do come on board they don’t tend to leave.
For a no obligation free quotation please feel free to contact me anytime. I enjoy it when clients come to me with their current renewal or best option they can find and allow me a chance to provide better ?
General Advice Warning: This advice is general and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the advice is appropriate for you and your personal circumstances. Before you make any decision about whether to acquire a certain product, you should obtain and read the relevant product disclosure statement.

All information above has been provided by the author.

Scott Norton, Norton & Co Insurance, ABN 11628176787, AFSL 239049

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