Mark O'Reilly

Mark O'Reilly

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Mark O'Reilly


Austbrokers Countrywide

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With over 25 years' experience and qualifications inrisk managementand Occupational Health & Safety, I have workedwith many corporate,construction, manufacturing and large scale property businesses.I am often asked to speak to professional bodies about risk and how to assess and manage risk in theever expanding needs of businesses.I also coordinate Austbrokers Countrywide's free regular monthly business seminars as a way to share and increase knowledge across the business community, facilitate networking and offer value to clients and associates over and above insurance.
With over 25 years' experience and qualifications inrisk managementand Occupational Health & Safety, I have workedwith many corporate,construction, manufacturing and large scale property businesses.I am often asked to speak to professional bodies about risk and how to assess and manage risk in theever expanding needs of businesses.I also coordinate Austbrokers Countrywide's free regular monthly business seminars as a way to share and increase knowledge across the business community, facilitate networking and offer value to clients and associates over and above insurance.
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CAR 1233847

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