Kieran Mann

Kieran Mann

Kieran Mann map marker

10 Placid Bend South Yunderup WA 6208
South Yunderup WA 6208

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Kieran Mann


Ausure Agri Insurance Solutions Pty Ltd

Review rating 0 reviews
Kieran has been involved in Agri Business since 1994, holding several senior roles. He operated a Rural Insurance business from 2001 until 2004, gaining Tier 1 qualifications in general insurance and broking. After operating a farming enterprise and share portfolio, he has returned to the insurance Industry to offer a hands on, face to face approach. Products offered include Rural, Business/Commercial and General insurance.
Kieran has been involved in Agri Business since 1994, holding several senior roles. He operated a Rural Insurance business from 2001 until 2004, gaining Tier 1 qualifications in general insurance and broking. After operating a farming enterprise and share portfolio, he has returned to the insurance Industry to offer a hands on, face to face approach. Products offered include Rural, Business/Commercial and General insurance.
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Location Mandurah
Languages Spoken
ACN 8800913
ARN 254733
CAR 254732


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