Karli Roderick

Karli Roderick

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2a Wedge Street, Werribee, VIC 3030
Melbourne VIC 3030

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Karli Roderick


Roderick Insurance Brokers

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I have been with Roderick Insurance Brokers since 2004. My experience allows me to provide clients with expert advice on how to best protect their interests, both business and personal. My clientele hail from many industries and my expertise enables me to guide them through the whole insurance process.
I have a keen interest in the Equine/Horse Insurance and Farm Insurance through my personal involvement in the Western Horse industry as well as being actively involved in horse showing and organising events. 

I have been with Roderick Insurance Brokers since 2004. My experience allows me to provide clients with expert advice on how to best protect their interests, both business and personal. My clientele hail from many industries and my expertise enables me to guide them through the whole insurance process.
I have a keen interest in the Equine/Horse Insurance and Farm Insurance through my personal involvement in the Western Horse industry as well as being actively involved in horse showing and organising events. 

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