Jeff Concanen

Jeff Concanen

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35-37 Havelock Street West Perth WA 6005
Perth WA 6005

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Jeff Concanen


Marsh Advantage Insurance

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Jeff Concanen is an Authorised Representative of Marsh Advantage, a world leader in delivering risk and insurance services and solutions to its clients. From its founding in 1871 to the present day, Marsh has provided thought leadership and innovation for clients and the insurance industry — introducing and promoting the concept and practice of client representation through brokerage, the discipline of risk management, the globalization of insurance and risk management services and many other innovative tools and service platforms.
Jeff Concanen is an Authorised Representative of Marsh Advantage, a world leader in delivering risk and insurance services and solutions to its clients. From its founding in 1871 to the present day, Marsh has provided thought leadership and innovation for clients and the insurance industry — introducing and promoting the concept and practice of client representation through brokerage, the discipline of risk management, the globalization of insurance and risk management services and many other innovative tools and service platforms.
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