Georgina Frost

Georgina Frost

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4/90 Ross Smith Avenue, Fannie Bay, NT 0820
Darwin NT 820

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Georgina Frost


Holdfast Insurance Broker

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Georgina has worked in the insurance industry in the Northern Territory for over ten years building a strong, and loyal, client base. In that time, Georgina has also served on the committee of the Young Insurance Professionals, helping and mentoring young people coming into the insurance profession in the Northern Territory. When not consumed by all things insurance, Georgina devotes her time to her young family and getting some well-earned rest.
Georgina has worked in the insurance industry in the Northern Territory for over ten years building a strong, and loyal, client base. In that time, Georgina has also served on the committee of the Young Insurance Professionals, helping and mentoring young people coming into the insurance profession in the Northern Territory. When not consumed by all things insurance, Georgina devotes her time to her young family and getting some well-earned rest.
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Location Darwin
Languages Spoken

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