Daniel Schutz

Daniel Schutz

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Adelaide SA 5000

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Daniel Schutz

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Daniel has been with Holdfast for eight years handling all areas of general insurance with a particular expertise in insuring plant and equipment. He has a strong portfolio of small and medium sized enterprises in both South Australia and the Northern Territory, splitting his time between Adelaide and Alice Springs. Outside of work, Daniel is a Crows fan and a water sports enthusiast. He likes nothing more than getting up to Renmark with his family and taking the jet ski's out on the River Murray.
Daniel has been with Holdfast for eight years handling all areas of general insurance with a particular expertise in insuring plant and equipment. He has a strong portfolio of small and medium sized enterprises in both South Australia and the Northern Territory, splitting his time between Adelaide and Alice Springs. Outside of work, Daniel is a Crows fan and a water sports enthusiast. He likes nothing more than getting up to Renmark with his family and taking the jet ski's out on the River Murray.
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Location Adelaide
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