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Protect your rental properties from accidental damage and liabilities – Landlords Insurance

What’s included in a Landlord’s Insurance Policy?
Covers the building in the event that they are destroyed or damaged
Covers the contents if they are destroyed, lost or damaged. Landlords Contents includes the following items: Carpets, blinds, furniture, fittings that are not built in.
Provides a benefit if the property is unable to be lived in or rented due to loss under the building or contents section of the policy.
Provides cover for theft of the building and or contents from the tenant and their visitors.
Covers against any claim for compensation or expenses which the property owner becomes legally liable to pay for following the death or personal injury to any person, or damage to third party property.
Management Liability insurance is designed to provide protection to both the business and its directors or officers for claims of wrongful acts in the management of the business.
Covers against any claim for compensation or expenses which the property owner becomes legally liable to pay for following the death or personal injury to any person, or damage to third party property.
Arma Insurance Brokers Hunter Valley
- Accidental breakage
- Water or liquid damage
- Vandalism or malicious act
- Removal of debris and demolition costs
- Burning out of an electric motor
- Rebuilding fees (building only)
- Loss of rent
All information above has been provided by the author.
Arma Insurance Brokers Hunter Valley, ABN 60 096 916 184, AFSL 233750
This article originally appeared on Arma Insurance Brokers Hunter Valley and has been published here with permission.