AJ Russell

AJ Russell

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55 Wombat Avenue Melbourne VIC 3758
Melbourne VIC 3758

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AJ Russell



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I am a general insurance broker working to protect the assets and liabilities for business, home, motor, far, etc. Working with my clients to assess their needs, find the best cover and assist with risk assessment & protection as well as claims. I have been working in insurance for 20 years both as an Underwriter, Fire Manager & Broker. I see my job is to protect you against the unforeseen disaster, to organise covers that give you peace of mind.
I am a general insurance broker working to protect the assets and liabilities for business, home, motor, far, etc. Working with my clients to assess their needs, find the best cover and assist with risk assessment & protection as well as claims. I have been working in insurance for 20 years both as an Underwriter, Fire Manager & Broker. I see my job is to protect you against the unforeseen disaster, to organise covers that give you peace of mind.
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ACN 163288971
ARN 443460
CAR 443460


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