How to get your verified badge on Advisr
How to get the verified badge on your Advisr profile
Having your profile verified by Advisr, builds trust with potential customers, shows you are engaged and active in the community and that your details are up to date and accurate. All communicated via the Advisr Verified Shield
What does being verified look like?
Great question. Profiles are verified automatically based on meeting and maintaining certain requirements listed below. Profiles can be Verified regardless of whether they are featured or not featured profiles on Advisr. Being verified will add a shield to your user profile for everyone to see.
What do I need to do to become Verified and to maintain being?
To obtain the Verified status shield on your Advisr profile, you must meet and maintain the following criteria:
- Current telephone number
- Provide a mobile phone number
- Have verified your email address
- Have a valid ABN and AFSL
- Received a customer review within the last 60 days
- Have logged in Advisr within the last 60 days
How do I know if I am verified?
If you are verified, then your Advisr profile will automatically showcase the Verified Shield.
--> You'll see the Verified shield on your public-facing Advisr profile.
--> You'll receive an alert message of your Verified status in your Advisr dashboard.
--> You'll be emailed about obtaining the Verified status.
Can I lose my verified status?
Yes, your Verified status is frequently checked to ensure your details, data and activity are still active and current. To ensure you maintain your verified status, you need to meet and keep your data accurate and be actively engaged on Advisr. See the checklist for how to obtain your Verified status shield.
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General Advice Warning: This advice is general and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the advice is appropriate for you and your personal circumstances. Before you make any decision about whether to acquire a certain product, you should obtain and read the relevant product disclosure statement.
All information above has been provided by the author.
All information above has been provided by the author.
Advisr, ABN 17 613 588 266
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