Adrian Banfield

Adrian Banfield

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Suite 207A, Level 2/434 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004
Melbourne VIC 3004

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Adrian Banfield


Comprehensive Insurance Solutions Pty Ltd

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Through the combined and diverse industry experiences of our people, we help Australians seek an understanding of insurance and inturn provide them with a comprehensive general insurance protection plan. Adrian say's –the protection provided by general insurance products is more often than not misunderstood and in many cases, not arranged to suit the risk”. Comprehensive Insurance Solutions help clients understand their insurance needs and recommends the appropriate insurance coverage to protect their risk exposure.
Through the combined and diverse industry experiences of our people, we help Australians seek an understanding of insurance and inturn provide them with a comprehensive general insurance protection plan. Adrian say's –the protection provided by general insurance products is more often than not misunderstood and in many cases, not arranged to suit the risk”. Comprehensive Insurance Solutions help clients understand their insurance needs and recommends the appropriate insurance coverage to protect their risk exposure.
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