Rebecca Young

Rebecca Young

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2A Wedge Street Werribee VIC 3030
Werribee VIC 3030

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Rebecca Young


Roderick Insurance Brokers

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I joined the Roderick Insurance Brokers Werribee team in 2019 bringing with me 20 years experience working in insurance brokerages Australia Wide. In that time I have looked after the insurance needs of a wide variety of businesses. I have a strong work ethic and enjoy meeting new people and building long lasting relationships with my clients.
My passion is to understand my client's individual requirements and tailor bespoke insurance programs to ensure all their needs are adequately covered providing them peace of mind to get on with running their business. 

I joined the Roderick Insurance Brokers Werribee team in 2019 bringing with me 20 years experience working in insurance brokerages Australia Wide. In that time I have looked after the insurance needs of a wide variety of businesses. I have a strong work ethic and enjoy meeting new people and building long lasting relationships with my clients.
My passion is to understand my client's individual requirements and tailor bespoke insurance programs to ensure all their needs are adequately covered providing them peace of mind to get on with running their business. 

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