Mitch Wight

Mitch Wight

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16 Pakington Street, Geelong West VIC 3216
Geelong VIC 3216

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Mitch Wight


Integral Insurance Services

Review rating 0 reviews
Integral tailor risk & insurance solutions and provide hand-held claims management for medium to small businesses, providing you with protection and confidence in your future. We have access to over 200 insurers/agencies across the globe, ensuring that we have you covered. Also, we provide an ongoing review service for our clients, making sure we understand the changes to your business and/or circumstances. We are also able to review your existing insurances to make sure they are meeting your needs. Finally, we are there for you when you need us most - lodging claims, appointing assessors, liaising with insurers, and making sure you get the outcome that you are entitled to.
Integral tailor risk & insurance solutions and provide hand-held claims management for medium to small businesses, providing you with protection and confidence in your future. We have access to over 200 insurers/agencies across the globe, ensuring that we have you covered. Also, we provide an ongoing review service for our clients, making sure we understand the changes to your business and/or circumstances. We are also able to review your existing insurances to make sure they are meeting your needs. Finally, we are there for you when you need us most - lodging claims, appointing assessors, liaising with insurers, and making sure you get the outcome that you are entitled to.
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Location Geelong
Languages Spoken
ACN 163050995
ARN 1263173


Awards and Certifications



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