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What is Strata Insurance?

Do you own a strata titled property? Whether for residential or commercial occupancy, there is a specific insurance that covers strata titled properties for property damage, common property, contents and areas and legal liability.
Strata Insurance is commonly arranged by your Body Corporate Manager, however, if it’s just you and a neighbour or two, here are a few Strata Insurance basics.
Did you know it is mandatory for most of Australia?
Strata Insurance (also called Body Corporate Insurance) is mandatory for titled properties with each State and Territory having different legislative requirements. There are numerous providers of Strata and its little brother Community Title Insurance (which is liability cover for common areas only) in Australia, and all offer a similarly structured policy, each with their own suite of additional benefits and different limits of cover and indemnity.
What does it actually cover?
A Strata Insurance policy is broken down into a number of sections. Some covers are mandatory like the property damage and liability sections and some are optional, like machinery breakdown or Office Bearers Liability. 
The policy will cover the building and any outbuildings at the property, including fencing, for property damage and loss as a result of insured perils and with most insurers, for accidental damage or loss also. The policy will also cover any common areas contents (washing machines in a shared laundry for example, or shared gardening equipment kept at the property). 
Other sections are public liability for the property and common areas - think car parks, common gardens, lifts, gyms and swimming pools etc. This section covers the property owners for their liability for injury to third parties as a result of failing to maintain the property or common areas, or for negligent acts in relation to them.
What doesn’t it cover?
Strata Insurance won’t cover your contents whether as an occupier or a tenant's contents. In most cases, fixtures and fittings will be covered by the Strata policy, however this can vary between insurers and also State and Territory requirements. It’s safer to assume that your Strata policy is NOT going to cover any of these, so a separate Contents Insurance policy (if you’re living in the property yourself) or a Landlords Insurance policy if you have tenants, will cover this off. 
Strata Insurance won’t cover your contents whether as an occupier or a tenant's contents. In most cases, fixtures and fittings will be covered by the Strata policy, however this can vary between insurers and also State and Territory requirements. It’s safer to assume that your Strata policy is NOT going to cover any of these, so a separate Contents Insurance policy (if you’re living in the property yourself) or a Landlords Insurance policy if you have tenants, will cover this off. 
Contents are defined differently from insurer to insurer again, however they usually mean your personal items, furniture and effects etc and will usually include your carpets and any appliances that are not permanently plumbed or fixed to the property. Most Contents insurers will have a proviso in their policy wording that allows for fixtures and fittings in strata properties where the Strata Insurance has excluded them, so this can help plug any gaps.
There are lots of factors to consider when choosing a Strata Insurance for your property. Working with a broker to tailor a policy that fits your needs, is the best way to ensure you’re fully protected and receive the right advice.
General Advice Warning: This advice is general and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the advice is appropriate for you and your personal circumstances. Before you make any decision about whether to acquire a certain product, you should obtain and read the relevant product disclosure statement.

All information above has been provided by the author.

Laura Meyer, MeyerInsure, ABN 87 340 928 486, AFSL 233750

This article originally appeared on MeyerInsure Blog and has been published here with permission.

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