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Can you operate without an income?

Can you afford to lose
Your income?
Your clients?
Your staff?
Your business?

Business interruption insurance can help you get back on your feet in the event of an insured event by allowing you to:
  1. continue operating out of an alternative premises
  2. pay your employees
  3. receive an income until your profit level is up to the amount prior to the loss or the indemnity period expires
  4. pay accountants and investigation fees
  5. receive your rental income
  6. pay necessary costs to get your business up and running again to achieve your current income

An event doesn't have to occur on your premises to affect your business. For example:
  • A supplier that can no longer fulfil their contract with you
  • A major business in the complex you operate may have a fire and therefore your sales decline due to foot traffic
  • The business next door may have storm damage that means no-one can access your premises
  • A public utility may not be able to supply adequately to your premises - ie gas, water, communication
  • Damage to roads, bridges and railway
  • Damage to your trucks or vehicles
  • Stock or materials kept at an off site location

Did you know?
Every year 1 in 500 businesses will experience a severe disaster 43% of businesses that experience a disaster never re-open and 29% close within 2 years Make sure you're covered!
General Advice Warning: This advice is general and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the advice is appropriate for you and your personal circumstances. Before you make any decision about whether to acquire a certain product, you should obtain and read the relevant product disclosure statement.

All information above has been provided by the author.

Clare Smith, Phoenix Insurance Brokers Perth, ABN 40009419872, AFSL 229847

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