Barry Freer

Barry Freer

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194 High Street
Shepparton Vic 3630

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Barry Freer


McLardy McShane Freer

Review rating 0 reviews
Having worked in insurance for more than 30 years, including in senior roles with leading national and international insurance brokers, I formed my own insurance agency in 2005 to deliver personalised service and local expertise under my own banner. In January 2019 I entered into a 50/50 joint venture with the McLardy McShane Insurance Broking group, to form McLardy McShane Freer in Shepparton. I have extensive experience in general insurance, commercial business, retail, engineering/manufacturing, professional risks, motor fleet, trades, contractors, home, contents and motor.
Having worked in insurance for more than 30 years, including in senior roles with leading national and international insurance brokers, I formed my own insurance agency in 2005 to deliver personalised service and local expertise under my own banner. In January 2019 I entered into a 50/50 joint venture with the McLardy McShane Insurance Broking group, to form McLardy McShane Freer in Shepparton. I have extensive experience in general insurance, commercial business, retail, engineering/manufacturing, professional risks, motor fleet, trades, contractors, home, contents and motor.
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Location Shepparton
Languages Spoken
CAR 1273473


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