Andrew Arcuri

Andrew Arcuri

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38 Smith Street, Collingwood, Victoria 3066
Melbourne VIC 3066

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Andrew Arcuri


Arcuri & Associates Insurance Professionals

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Andrew has spent his working life engineering, building, developing and consulting. He has worked in three different countries in Automotive Production, Manufacturing environments, Industrial Engineering and across all levels of Construction from shoveling sand to the writing of contracts. This background has provided a wealth of knowledge that span's beyond insurance to wider business needs and Andrew is skilled at uncovering these needs and exposures. Andrew understands the ins and out of business and this allows him to provide insights and advice of significant value. Protecting peoples most important assets, be it their home or business, Andrew knows people have invested a huge amount of time and energy to get where they are and he offers that equal commitment in ensuring these assets remain safe. Andrew likes helping people. He knows if he can protect assets then that avoids financial stress and pressure, which can potentially ruin business and families. He is skilled at defending client's when they have been aggrieved and looking after people when they need assistance. Taking the time to listen, to understand and appreciate peoples perspectives means Andrew uncovers real exposures and his advice is always honest and genuine. Andrew likes the simple things in life, happy clients, happy family and his own popcorn at the movies.
Andrew has spent his working life engineering, building, developing and consulting. He has worked in three different countries in Automotive Production, Manufacturing environments, Industrial Engineering and across all levels of Construction from shoveling sand to the writing of contracts. This background has provided a wealth of knowledge that span's beyond insurance to wider business needs and Andrew is skilled at uncovering these needs and exposures. Andrew understands the ins and out of business and this allows him to provide insights and advice of significant value. Protecting peoples most important assets, be it their home or business, Andrew knows people have invested a huge amount of time and energy to get where they are and he offers that equal commitment in ensuring these assets remain safe. Andrew likes helping people. He knows if he can protect assets then that avoids financial stress and pressure, which can potentially ruin business and families. He is skilled at defending client's when they have been aggrieved and looking after people when they need assistance. Taking the time to listen, to understand and appreciate peoples perspectives means Andrew uncovers real exposures and his advice is always honest and genuine. Andrew likes the simple things in life, happy clients, happy family and his own popcorn at the movies.
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