Alana Salmon

Alana Salmon

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41.06 225 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000

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Alana Salmon



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With 7 years experience in the insurance industry, Alana has experience in managing a vast range of portfolios, from personal insurances to small-medium sized businesses across a range of industries. Alana's particular skill set and drive for domestic insurances has led to the development of her role as the 'go-to' person for personal lines for our clients. Her strong knowledge base, superb organisation and proactive attitude has made her integral to Omnisure and to our clients.

Areas of expertise:

- Homeowners

- High net worth individuals (owners of prestige homes and valuables, including jewellery and fine art)

- Personal motor vehicles including prestige & collector

- Property investors

- Claims handling



When Alana isn't in the office, she enjoys spending time with her family (particularly her two nieces), taking her fur baby Millie (a King Charles Cavalier) for nature walks, and catching up with friends for a drink! If you need assistance with your personal insurances don't hesitate to call Alana!

With 7 years experience in the insurance industry, Alana has experience in managing a vast range of portfolios, from personal insurances to small-medium sized businesses across a range of industries. Alana's particular skill set and drive for domestic insurances has led to the development of her role as the 'go-to' person for personal lines for our clients. Her strong knowledge base, superb organisation and proactive attitude has made her integral to Omnisure and to our clients.

Areas of expertise:

- Homeowners

- High net worth individuals (owners of prestige homes and valuables, including jewellery and fine art)

- Personal motor vehicles including prestige & collector

- Property investors

- Claims handling



When Alana isn't in the office, she enjoys spending time with her family (particularly her two nieces), taking her fur baby Millie (a King Charles Cavalier) for nature walks, and catching up with friends for a drink! If you need assistance with your personal insurances don't hesitate to call Alana!

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