Aaron Zelman is the founder of TRUSTMOST and twice winner of the IFA Risk Adviser of the Year award.
As a specialist Life & Disability Insurance adviser, Aaron has dedicated his career to this specialist area of expertise.
His clients are typically doctors and other professionals but Aaron has also had great experience in dealing with business risk insurance such as keyperson and buy/sell insurance which can be technically demanding.
Authorised by Affinia Advisers which has an 'open' approved products list which means Aaron will not hesitate to find the right insurer and policy for any given client.
Aaron Zelman is the founder of TRUSTMOST and twice winner of the IFA Risk Adviser of the Year award.
As a specialist Life & Disability Insurance adviser, Aaron has dedicated his career to this specialist area of expertise.
His clients are typically doctors and other professionals but Aaron has also had great experience in dealing with business risk insurance such as keyperson and buy/sell insurance which can be technically demanding.
Authorised by Affinia Advisers which has an 'open' approved products list which means Aaron will not hesitate to find the right insurer and policy for any given client.
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