Tim Dale

Tim Dale

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186 Annesley St Echuca VIC 3564
Echuca VIC 3564

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Tim Dale


Ausure Insurance and Finance Echuca Pty Ltd

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Tim opened his business in Echuca in 1998 as a Financial Planner and Insurance Advisor. Ausure Echuca was then formed in 2004 as a foundation member of the Ausure Group with just two employees. The business has now grown to be one of the largest branches in the Ausure network. Tim specialises in providing clients with an "umbrella" package ensuring that all needs are met in both the Insurance and Financial Planning areas. In later years Tim has developed Ausure Financial Services, under the Ausure banner, allowing Authorised Representatives to be qualified as both Insurance Brokers and Financial Planners. Locally he is involved as a board member of the Murray Business Network, but was heavily involved in the local charitable group The Murray Mender which raises money for breast and prostate cancer. Tim holds both a Diploma in Financial Services (Financial Planning & Insurance Broking) and is an ANZIIF (Snr Assoc) Certified Insurance Professional. An ex farmer, Tim enjoys spending time out at his small farm on the Murray River, fishing and spending time with his Prue, daughters and grandsons.
Tim opened his business in Echuca in 1998 as a Financial Planner and Insurance Advisor. Ausure Echuca was then formed in 2004 as a foundation member of the Ausure Group with just two employees. The business has now grown to be one of the largest branches in the Ausure network. Tim specialises in providing clients with an "umbrella" package ensuring that all needs are met in both the Insurance and Financial Planning areas. In later years Tim has developed Ausure Financial Services, under the Ausure banner, allowing Authorised Representatives to be qualified as both Insurance Brokers and Financial Planners. Locally he is involved as a board member of the Murray Business Network, but was heavily involved in the local charitable group The Murray Mender which raises money for breast and prostate cancer. Tim holds both a Diploma in Financial Services (Financial Planning & Insurance Broking) and is an ANZIIF (Snr Assoc) Certified Insurance Professional. An ex farmer, Tim enjoys spending time out at his small farm on the Murray River, fishing and spending time with his Prue, daughters and grandsons.
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ACN 120525591
ARN 258310
CAR 303254



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