Sinan Sarah

Sinan Sarah

Sinan Sarah map marker

Suite 19, 2 O'Connell Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Parramatta NSW 2150

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Sinan Sarah


Insurebiz Pty Ltd

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Sinan has 17 years Insurance experience in the insurance industry. He has dedicated himself to putting the customer first as well as having business ethics which have a proven track record over the past decade. Sinan specialises in Construction and NSW Builders Warranty insurance as well as other major classes of insurance. Sinan also speaks Arabic fluently. His hobbies include motorsports, camping and travelling.
Sinan has 17 years Insurance experience in the insurance industry. He has dedicated himself to putting the customer first as well as having business ethics which have a proven track record over the past decade. Sinan specialises in Construction and NSW Builders Warranty insurance as well as other major classes of insurance. Sinan also speaks Arabic fluently. His hobbies include motorsports, camping and travelling.
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ACN 622387259
ARN 329875
CAR 1260948



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