Shem Aitken

Shem Aitken

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110 Nicklin Way, Warana QLD 4575
QLD 4575

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Shem Aitken


Metsure Insurance Brokers

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Shem is a third generation Insurance Broker with over 15 years in the industry, over this time he has travelled and worked extensively throughout Queensland. He has seen firsthand the devastating effects of cyclones and other natural disasters. Shem is a past sponsored nominee in the Queensland Young Person of The Year competition within the field of Personal Motivation and recently competed as part of the All Abilities Disabled Ambrose Golf Team in the Masters Games, winning gold. He assists our clients in their time of need and does so with positivity and care.
Shem is a third generation Insurance Broker with over 15 years in the industry, over this time he has travelled and worked extensively throughout Queensland. He has seen firsthand the devastating effects of cyclones and other natural disasters. Shem is a past sponsored nominee in the Queensland Young Person of The Year competition within the field of Personal Motivation and recently competed as part of the All Abilities Disabled Ambrose Golf Team in the Masters Games, winning gold. He assists our clients in their time of need and does so with positivity and care.
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ACN 96971854



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