Scott Hastings

Scott Hastings

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Scott Hastings map marker

Level 3, 49 Sherwood Road, Toowong, QLD, 4066
Brisbane QLD 4066

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Scott Hastings


Austbrokers Premier Pty Ltd

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Premier Insurance Brokers are General Insurance Brokers and were formed in 1985 to represent and service clients who were experiencing difficulty and inconvenience in obtaining a satisfactory level of professional and personalised insurance service. We now form part of Austbrokers Limited. Austbrokers is a top general Insurance broking group in Australia with a turnover $1.5 billion in general insurance premiums, and over $450 million in funds under management.
Premier Insurance Brokers are General Insurance Brokers and were formed in 1985 to represent and service clients who were experiencing difficulty and inconvenience in obtaining a satisfactory level of professional and personalised insurance service. We now form part of Austbrokers Limited. Austbrokers is a top general Insurance broking group in Australia with a turnover $1.5 billion in general insurance premiums, and over $450 million in funds under management.
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