Sandra Di Giuseppe

Sandra Di Giuseppe

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Bunbury WA 6230
Bunbury WA 6230

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Sandra Di Giuseppe


Ausure Insurance Brokers Bunbury

Review rating 0 reviews
As your local Ausure representative Sandra Di Giuseppe is positioned to provide localised and personal service that is backed by the financial strength and knowledge of the Ausure network. Sandra has lived and worked in Bunbury for over 42 yrs and runs her own small business. With over 21 years’ experience in all aspects of insurance from domestic to business and Farm insurance, Sandra can create a solution to meet your requirements. Just a phone call away, her local knowledge and willingness to go that one step further, allows her to fully understand your Insurance needs. Sandra is a mobile broker who is able to meet with you by appointment.
As your local Ausure representative Sandra Di Giuseppe is positioned to provide localised and personal service that is backed by the financial strength and knowledge of the Ausure network. Sandra has lived and worked in Bunbury for over 42 yrs and runs her own small business. With over 21 years’ experience in all aspects of insurance from domestic to business and Farm insurance, Sandra can create a solution to meet your requirements. Just a phone call away, her local knowledge and willingness to go that one step further, allows her to fully understand your Insurance needs. Sandra is a mobile broker who is able to meet with you by appointment.
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ACN 137635011
ARN 338195
CAR 385936



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