Salvador Garcia

Salvador Garcia

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Sydney NSW 2000

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Salvador Garcia

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Salvador joined the Omnisure team in 2021 with 2 years of previous experience in corporate insurance broking under his belt. He has hit the ground running at Omnisure assisting both Schalk and Retha in the processing of renewals, gaining quotations and preparing claims for their clients. Sal is an important support to our senior broking staff, and along with his incredible work ethic and honest character, is set to do big things at Omnisure!

Areas of expertise:

- Corporate Broking

- Small to mid-market businesses

- Medium to large-market Corporate accounts



In his time off Sal enjoys watching the English Premier League, feasting with his family, a game of tennis and coaching his U15s boys soccer team!

Salvador joined the Omnisure team in 2021 with 2 years of previous experience in corporate insurance broking under his belt. He has hit the ground running at Omnisure assisting both Schalk and Retha in the processing of renewals, gaining quotations and preparing claims for their clients. Sal is an important support to our senior broking staff, and along with his incredible work ethic and honest character, is set to do big things at Omnisure!

Areas of expertise:

- Corporate Broking

- Small to mid-market businesses

- Medium to large-market Corporate accounts



In his time off Sal enjoys watching the English Premier League, feasting with his family, a game of tennis and coaching his U15s boys soccer team!

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Location Sydney

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