Ryan Craighead

Ryan Craighead

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Workspace 9, Building 7
1 Dairy Road Fyshwick
Canberra ACT 2609

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Ryan Craighead

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 A Senior Account Executive in the Commercial Insurance space with a wealth of experience across many industries. 

Roles and experience include:
- Developing robust and scalable insurance portfolios for complex clients.
- Provide continuing advice and management across claims, restructurings, risk management and growth.
- Advise and guide organisations with turnovers up to $1 billion annually. 
 A Senior Account Executive in the Commercial Insurance space with a wealth of experience across many industries. 

Roles and experience include:
- Developing robust and scalable insurance portfolios for complex clients.
- Provide continuing advice and management across claims, restructurings, risk management and growth.
- Advise and guide organisations with turnovers up to $1 billion annually. 
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