Rohan Stewart

Rohan Stewart

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390 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004
Melbourne VIC 3004

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Rohan Stewart


PSC Insurance Group

Review rating 0 reviews
PSC has a proven track record in business acquisition, establishment and turnaround in the insurance services industry. The PSC Group comprises a portfolio of businesses ranging from start-ups to mature businesses. PSC has an experienced team of insurance practitioners, with broad skill sets, at both Board and Executive level. These are utilised across the different businesses to leverage efficiencies and opportunities. PSC operates a diversified insurance intermediary business with operations and revenue in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Using FY2015 revenue as a guide, the concentration of revenue across jurisdictions is Australia approximately 66.0%, United Kingdom approximately 33.3% and the balance from New Zealand.
PSC has a proven track record in business acquisition, establishment and turnaround in the insurance services industry. The PSC Group comprises a portfolio of businesses ranging from start-ups to mature businesses. PSC has an experienced team of insurance practitioners, with broad skill sets, at both Board and Executive level. These are utilised across the different businesses to leverage efficiencies and opportunities. PSC operates a diversified insurance intermediary business with operations and revenue in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Using FY2015 revenue as a guide, the concentration of revenue across jurisdictions is Australia approximately 66.0%, United Kingdom approximately 33.3% and the balance from New Zealand.
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Location Melbourne
Languages Spoken


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