Robert Fleming

Robert Fleming

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Suite 10 303 Barrenjoey Road Newport NSW 2106
Sydney NSW 2106

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Robert Fleming


Colne Risk Advisory

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Colne Risk Advisory services have in excess of 20 years experience within the Insurance and Risk Management industry. The business was formed in 2017, however whilst this is a new venture, the directors of the business successfully grew and subsequently sold their previous brokerage to an international broker. Colne operates both as a traditional insurance brokerage with a base specialism within Professional Indemnity. The second aspect of the business an insurance management and risk consultancy. The latter provides independant advises on risk and risk management of the wider business beyond the scope of 'insurance'
Colne Risk Advisory services have in excess of 20 years experience within the Insurance and Risk Management industry. The business was formed in 2017, however whilst this is a new venture, the directors of the business successfully grew and subsequently sold their previous brokerage to an international broker. Colne operates both as a traditional insurance brokerage with a base specialism within Professional Indemnity. The second aspect of the business an insurance management and risk consultancy. The latter provides independant advises on risk and risk management of the wider business beyond the scope of 'insurance'
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Location Mona Vale
Languages Spoken
ARN 438637


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