Richard Watson

Richard Watson

Richard Watson map marker

186 Annesley St Echuca VIC 3564
Echuca VIC 3564

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Richard Watson


Ausure Insurance and Finance Echuca Pty Ltd

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Richard is our Claims Manager and aims to provide all clients with a professional and seamless claims experience. His other duties involve broking hard-to-place risks, branch compliance and dealing with Insurers to promote new facilities and products which are made available to our valued client base. Richard holds a Diploma of Financial Services (Insurance Broking) and a Diploma in Business Management. He enjoys spending time with his family and travelling to America, where he lived for a number of years.
Richard is our Claims Manager and aims to provide all clients with a professional and seamless claims experience. His other duties involve broking hard-to-place risks, branch compliance and dealing with Insurers to promote new facilities and products which are made available to our valued client base. Richard holds a Diploma of Financial Services (Insurance Broking) and a Diploma in Business Management. He enjoys spending time with his family and travelling to America, where he lived for a number of years.
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ACN 120525591
ARN 307378
CAR 303254



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