Phoebe Jefferson

Phoebe Jefferson

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PO Box 1089
Melbourne VIC 3124

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Phoebe Jefferson


Jefferson Insurance Group Pty Ltd

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Jefferson Insurance Group specialises in giving business and personal clients expert, tailored advice on insurance solutions to manage risk and protect assets. We value transparency, providing open communication with a friendly, understanding approach. We are a family-owned business, a part of PSC Insurance Group and a member of Steadfast, Australia's largest general insurance broker network. With nearly 20 years experience in the insurance industry, across a wide range of sectors, we provide advice on all general insurance products, including public and product liability, management liability, cyber, professional indemnity, business and office, trade credit, motor, plant & equipment, marine transit, personal and many more.
Jefferson Insurance Group specialises in giving business and personal clients expert, tailored advice on insurance solutions to manage risk and protect assets. We value transparency, providing open communication with a friendly, understanding approach. We are a family-owned business, a part of PSC Insurance Group and a member of Steadfast, Australia's largest general insurance broker network. With nearly 20 years experience in the insurance industry, across a wide range of sectors, we provide advice on all general insurance products, including public and product liability, management liability, cyber, professional indemnity, business and office, trade credit, motor, plant & equipment, marine transit, personal and many more.
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Location Melbourne
Languages Spoken
ARN 433845


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