Peter Long

Peter Long

Peter Long map marker

9 Railway Street Gatton QLD 4343
Gatton QLD 4343

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Peter Long


Ausure Unified Insurance Brokers - Gatton

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Peter Long runs two insurance brokerages: Valley Insurance Services in Gatton (started in 1987) and Scenic Rim Insurance in Beaudesert (started in 2003). Peter has more than 25 years of experience working as an agent for Suncorp offering General Insurance, Life Insurance and Retail Banking expertise. In January 2010 both his companies joined the Ausure Insurance Brokers Group, licensing them to trade as insurance brokers. Prior to the insurance world, Peter farmed in the Granite Belt for 10 years. This combined experience has given him a firm understanding of the concerns and requirements of rural farmers as well as the needs of business people. What do you like to do when you’re not working? “I really enjoy camping and fishing. My wife and I love to travel and have explored Australia widely as well as some overseas destinations.” What’s your personal philosophy? “I expect honesty and integrity from others and I trust people will also find those qualities in me.” What’s your best piece of advice for Insurance and Business? “Be prepared to pay for professional advice and ensure your cover meets your needs.”
Peter Long runs two insurance brokerages: Valley Insurance Services in Gatton (started in 1987) and Scenic Rim Insurance in Beaudesert (started in 2003). Peter has more than 25 years of experience working as an agent for Suncorp offering General Insurance, Life Insurance and Retail Banking expertise. In January 2010 both his companies joined the Ausure Insurance Brokers Group, licensing them to trade as insurance brokers. Prior to the insurance world, Peter farmed in the Granite Belt for 10 years. This combined experience has given him a firm understanding of the concerns and requirements of rural farmers as well as the needs of business people. What do you like to do when you’re not working? “I really enjoy camping and fishing. My wife and I love to travel and have explored Australia widely as well as some overseas destinations.” What’s your personal philosophy? “I expect honesty and integrity from others and I trust people will also find those qualities in me.” What’s your best piece of advice for Insurance and Business? “Be prepared to pay for professional advice and ensure your cover meets your needs.”
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Location Toowoomba
Languages Spoken
ACN 88124887
ARN 235192
CAR 234386


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