Madeline Chamberlain

Madeline Chamberlain

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19 Rutherford Street Swan Hill VIC 3585
Swan Hill VIC 3585

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Madeline Chamberlain


Rutherford Street Insurance Services

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Maddie joined the Rutherford Street Insurance Services’ team in March 2015 fulfilling the role of Broker Assistant. Maddie’s core responsibilities include processing new business quotes, requoting renewals as well as other general administration duties. Maddie is originally from Horsham, where she worked for an Authorised Representative for CGU and GIO for two and a half years. Currently Maddie is completing her Tier 1 in Insurance Broking.
Maddie joined the Rutherford Street Insurance Services’ team in March 2015 fulfilling the role of Broker Assistant. Maddie’s core responsibilities include processing new business quotes, requoting renewals as well as other general administration duties. Maddie is originally from Horsham, where she worked for an Authorised Representative for CGU and GIO for two and a half years. Currently Maddie is completing her Tier 1 in Insurance Broking.
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ACN 633770224
ARN 421965
CAR 1276635


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