Linda McInnes

Linda McInnes

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Suite 1 Level 6 384 Hunter Street Newcastle NSW 2300
Newcastle NSW 2300

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Linda McInnes


Ausure Insurance Newcastle

Review rating 0 reviews
I have been in the Finance industry for over 25 years which was a very challenging then in the downturn in the finance sector I had the opportunity to come across to the Insurance side in 2011 and I never looked back. Background I was born and bred in in the Newcastle area and I wouldn’t consider living anywhere else Newcastle is a great place with great people. I am married to Scott and have 2 wonderful grown up children Nathan & Tayla. Interests Family is everything to me and I love nothing more than family gatherings at our home I love our home and I am constantly looking for ideas to update things around the home. Travel and shopping is a passion of mine. Personal Philosophy Treat people the way you like to be treated. Always do the very best you can. Thoughts on Insurance Insurance is an interesting industry and thing are always changing and there is always something new to learn and offer our clients. It is always satisfying to know that you have done your very best to ensure you have looked after your clients giving them peace of mind.
I have been in the Finance industry for over 25 years which was a very challenging then in the downturn in the finance sector I had the opportunity to come across to the Insurance side in 2011 and I never looked back. Background I was born and bred in in the Newcastle area and I wouldn’t consider living anywhere else Newcastle is a great place with great people. I am married to Scott and have 2 wonderful grown up children Nathan & Tayla. Interests Family is everything to me and I love nothing more than family gatherings at our home I love our home and I am constantly looking for ideas to update things around the home. Travel and shopping is a passion of mine. Personal Philosophy Treat people the way you like to be treated. Always do the very best you can. Thoughts on Insurance Insurance is an interesting industry and thing are always changing and there is always something new to learn and offer our clients. It is always satisfying to know that you have done your very best to ensure you have looked after your clients giving them peace of mind.
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Location Newcastle
Languages Spoken
ACN 140657272
ARN 1283945
CAR 343828


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