Kerrie Konispoliatis

Kerrie Konispoliatis

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Suite 19, 2 O'Connell Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Parramatta NSW 2150

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Kerrie Konispoliatis


Insurebiz Pty Ltd

Review rating 0 reviews
Kerrie has been in the General Insurance industry since 1993. “The insurance industry is a great one to be in and I can honestly say I enjoy my work. Getting to meet and talk to different people from so many varying walks of life is what keeps the job so interesting. I am passionate about general insurance and love the rapport I have developed with my clients over the years not to mention the relationships I have built with insurance companies, underwriting agencies and other brokers.” “We are a small business who understands your needs and know how valuable your time is. You do not have to press 1 then press 2 and then press 3 to speak to a Human. See for yourself. Try us!” In her spare time, Kerrie loves music and dance. She is also a fitness instructor, teaching Zumba and the Les Mills programs, Body Pump and Sh’bam. This is not just a passion but more of an addiction according to Kerrie.
Kerrie has been in the General Insurance industry since 1993. “The insurance industry is a great one to be in and I can honestly say I enjoy my work. Getting to meet and talk to different people from so many varying walks of life is what keeps the job so interesting. I am passionate about general insurance and love the rapport I have developed with my clients over the years not to mention the relationships I have built with insurance companies, underwriting agencies and other brokers.” “We are a small business who understands your needs and know how valuable your time is. You do not have to press 1 then press 2 and then press 3 to speak to a Human. See for yourself. Try us!” In her spare time, Kerrie loves music and dance. She is also a fitness instructor, teaching Zumba and the Les Mills programs, Body Pump and Sh’bam. This is not just a passion but more of an addiction according to Kerrie.
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ACN 622387259
ARN 251220
CAR 1260948



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