KBI Specialist Insurance Brokers

KBI Specialist Insurance Brokers

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Level 18, 140 St. Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Perth WA 6000

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KBI Specialist Insurance Brokers

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We are a specialist insurance brokerage
Since starting in 2013, KBI is now fast becoming a leader in the Australian Insurance market.

Our primary point of difference is that we don’t try to be ‘all things to all people’. We are experts in niche areas, where we can tailor our offering, advice and support to meet the specific needs of the sectors.

Customised Advisory
We partner with companies to offer highly pro-active, specialised and customized advice and programs, to suit every stage of their journey.

Tech-enabled Efficiency
We focus on and invest in tech-enabled operations and solutions allowing for great UX/CX and quicker, easier processes for our clients.

We exist to help our clients make informed risk management decisions. 
We are a specialist insurance brokerage
Since starting in 2013, KBI is now fast becoming a leader in the Australian Insurance market.

Our primary point of difference is that we don’t try to be ‘all things to all people’. We are experts in niche areas, where we can tailor our offering, advice and support to meet the specific needs of the sectors.

Customised Advisory
We partner with companies to offer highly pro-active, specialised and customized advice and programs, to suit every stage of their journey.

Tech-enabled Efficiency
We focus on and invest in tech-enabled operations and solutions allowing for great UX/CX and quicker, easier processes for our clients.

We exist to help our clients make informed risk management decisions. 
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Awards and Certifications

Brokers at KBI Specialist Insurance Brokers



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