Jenny Mladineo

Jenny Mladineo

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79 Bathurst Street, Liverpool NSW 2170
Sydney NSW 2170

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Jenny Mladineo


Trans-West Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd

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Jenny has been an Account Manager with Trans-West since 2000, and has primarily been involved in the insurance broking industry over the course of 30 year career. Her qualifications include a Diploma of Financial Services (Broking), a Certificate III in Business, and Jenny is also a Senior Associate of ANZIIF. Jenny's areas of expertise include managing clients in industries such as manufacturing, construction and warehousing. Her focus is in working with her clients to understand their needs, deliver personalised and reliable insurance solutions and to build strong and long-term relationships.
Jenny has been an Account Manager with Trans-West since 2000, and has primarily been involved in the insurance broking industry over the course of 30 year career. Her qualifications include a Diploma of Financial Services (Broking), a Certificate III in Business, and Jenny is also a Senior Associate of ANZIIF. Jenny's areas of expertise include managing clients in industries such as manufacturing, construction and warehousing. Her focus is in working with her clients to understand their needs, deliver personalised and reliable insurance solutions and to build strong and long-term relationships.
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