Janene Blakeney

Janene Blakeney

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25a Owen Street
Innisfail QLD 4860

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Janene Blakeney


Rivers Insurance Brokers

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Account Manager in Innisfail. When she is not in the office, you will find her outdoors and she especially loves gardening, trips in the truck with her partner, fishing with the grandchildren or just at home spoiling her four fur babies.
She moved to Innisfail in 2014, keeping small towns on the map and supporting local businesses. She has had 18 continuous years as Insurance Broker but has had loads of experience in various jobs prior to this. From ESL Tutor, Canteen Manager at Katherine South Primary School to spending 2 years as a guided fishing tour operator on the Victoria River. 

Account Manager in Innisfail. When she is not in the office, you will find her outdoors and she especially loves gardening, trips in the truck with her partner, fishing with the grandchildren or just at home spoiling her four fur babies.
She moved to Innisfail in 2014, keeping small towns on the map and supporting local businesses. She has had 18 continuous years as Insurance Broker but has had loads of experience in various jobs prior to this. From ESL Tutor, Canteen Manager at Katherine South Primary School to spending 2 years as a guided fishing tour operator on the Victoria River. 

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