AICLA/ANZIIF Claims Convention

Event Description

The AICLA/ANZIIF Claims Convention (CC23) is the leading insurance claims event in Australasia, attracting delegates, industry experts and world-class speakers from across Australia, New Zealand the Pacific and Asia.

This year marks the 17th Claims Convention, a successful collaboration between AICLA and ANZIIF.

The Convention is the leading insurance event in Australasia, and is expected to attract over 300 delegates, industry experts and world-class speakers. Delegates will benefit from face-to-face networking with professionals from across the claims industry.

For further information please contact the ANZIIF Events team.

 "Over the years I have seen firsthand the benefits that the Claims Convention delivers to claims professionals of all levels and experience. The speakers in the program are the experts in their field and deliver exceptionally informative sessions. 

Equally as important is the networking opportunity the conference brings. Whilst we are sometimes employed by competing companies, I see the claims fraternity more like industry colleagues. Never has this been more evident than when being involved in the response to a CAT event. 

It is a privilege to be part of the committee and give something back to two organisations that I have received so much from over 20 years." 

David Gow, Head of Claims, CHU Underwriting Agencies Pty Ltd 

Who Should Attend

Professionals engaged in the insurance industry, particularly in the area of claims including senior insurance company managers, brokers, re-insurers, loss adjusters, professional consultants, insurance lawyers, suppliers and service providers. 

Event Summary

Sydney, New South Wales
September 25, 2024 In-person
Review rating
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