Gaye Legudi

Gaye Legudi

Gaye Legudi map marker

19 Rutherford Street Swan Hill VIC 3585
Swan Hill VIC 3585

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Gaye Legudi


Rutherford Street Insurance Services

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Gaye currently works between the office in Swan Hill and at her second home in Melbourne, though she is available for queries on her mobile at all times. Gaye spends most of her time working on developing the business, the business accounting, quoting and reviewing insurance cover's for many of her clients, staffing arrangements, marketing strategies for the business and maintaining the relationships between her business and the Underwriting Companies
Gaye currently works between the office in Swan Hill and at her second home in Melbourne, though she is available for queries on her mobile at all times. Gaye spends most of her time working on developing the business, the business accounting, quoting and reviewing insurance cover's for many of her clients, staffing arrangements, marketing strategies for the business and maintaining the relationships between her business and the Underwriting Companies
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ACN 633770224
ARN 245677
CAR 1276635


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