Damien Hamilton

Damien Hamilton

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Level 1, 441 Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills, VIC, 3126
Surrey Hills VIC 3126

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Damien Hamilton


Coghlans Insurance Pty Ltd

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Coghlans Insurance Brokers are specialists in providing tailored insurance solutions to protect your assets against major unforeseen risks and exposures. We believe that insurance isn't just about protecting the •now'. It's also about encouraging you, our client, to see what's possible, so you can think ahead, plan with certainty and achieve your vision. Coghlans Insurance Brokers is part of Steadfast Group, the largest insurance broker network in Australia and New Zealand. With over 343 brokerages spread across more than 1,100 offices, the Steadfast Group generated over $6 billion in insurance sales in FY16. This scale gives Steadfast the ability to negotiate and work with major insurers on behalf of Steadfast brokers and results in us being able to provide you with access to multiple insurance companies, a broad range of exclusive products and services combined with our local, expert advice.
Coghlans Insurance Brokers are specialists in providing tailored insurance solutions to protect your assets against major unforeseen risks and exposures. We believe that insurance isn't just about protecting the •now'. It's also about encouraging you, our client, to see what's possible, so you can think ahead, plan with certainty and achieve your vision. Coghlans Insurance Brokers is part of Steadfast Group, the largest insurance broker network in Australia and New Zealand. With over 343 brokerages spread across more than 1,100 offices, the Steadfast Group generated over $6 billion in insurance sales in FY16. This scale gives Steadfast the ability to negotiate and work with major insurers on behalf of Steadfast brokers and results in us being able to provide you with access to multiple insurance companies, a broad range of exclusive products and services combined with our local, expert advice.
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Location Ringwood
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