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Going away? Home security checklist

Clare Smith
First of all, if you are heading away to a lovely destination - I am very envious!! There are many things to consider before you head away for a holiday to ensure that you have a well deserved, relaxing, stress-free break. Some of these are:
- Don't update your social network with holiday snaps until you return. Likewise, no need to announce that you're going away online anywhere.
- Securing your home - lock all access ways into your home (windows and doors) and ensure that your curtains are drawn
- Ask a trusted neighbour (or two) if they can keep an eye on your home and collect any newspapers or other items that may be delivered during this time
- Consider arranging a house sitter
- Redirect mail - did you know that you can arrange for the Post Office to hold your mail while you are away?
- Mow your lawn prior to leaving. If you are likely to be away for an extended period perhaps arrange for someone to do it whilst you are away to keep up the appearance of a "lived in home"
- Arrange for your lights and TV/radio to come on with a sensor or automatic timer
- Turn off the water mains to the house if nobody will be staying - a common insurance claim is a burst or leaking pipe and no-one wants to return from holidays with their house resembling a swimming pool!
- If you are going away during cyclone, storm or bushfire season turn off your gas and power and lock away or tie any loose items
- Turn off all electrical devices. If possible, it is also a good idea to unplug the item
- Secure any valuable items in a secure or hidden location. This would also include the precious memories you have stored on your laptop or hard drive
- Photograph your travel documents - passport, itinerary etc. Consider sending a copy to a relative
- Photograph your suitcase contents, particularly if there are valuable item/s within it - this will assist in the event of a claim
- Obtain travel insurance, check the exclusions and conditions. Are you hiring a scooter, skiing or have pre-existing medical conditions? These are some of the common things that are excluded or limited
- Register with Smartraveller and check the potential issues in the country that you are travelling
Have an amazing holiday!!
General Advice Warning: This advice is general and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the advice is appropriate for you and your personal circumstances. Before you make any decision about whether to acquire a certain product, you should obtain and read the relevant product disclosure statement.
All information above has been provided by the author.
All information above has been provided by the author.
Clare Smith, Phoenix Insurance Brokers Perth, ABN 40009419872, AFSL 229847