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Did you budget for an audit?

Clare Smith
Do you know the amount it can cost for a professional audit of your business? This could be relative to a Taxation Audit, a WorkCover or Worksafe Audit or any other registered Government Body investigating your business. Some claims examples are noted below:
- An ATO claim (employer vs contractor), 4 years of returns audited, costs exceeded $20,000 sum insured
- Super Fund audited by APRA (no errors found), fees $13,445
- Family Trust audit by ATO, fees $2,750
- Gaming and Racing audit, fees $8,586
- BAS audit by ATO, 1 years returns, fees $14,139
- BAS audit by ATO, 2 years returns, fees $33,472
- Staff Pension audit by APRA, 1 years returns, fees $3,880
- NSW Payroll Audit, 1 years returns, fees $14,759
- QLD Stamp Duties office, fees $3,750
- ATO, negative gearing audit of private investor, fees $7,541
- Workers Compensation audit, no issues, fees $2,300
- WorkCover audit, fees $4,780
Talk to me about arranging cover for current or prior tax years; and obtaining cover for fines and the defence costs that you may be subject to. Contact Clare Smith.
General Advice Warning: This advice is general and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the advice is appropriate for you and your personal circumstances. Before you make any decision about whether to acquire a certain product, you should obtain and read the relevant product disclosure statement.
All information above has been provided by the author.
All information above has been provided by the author.
Clare Smith, Phoenix Insurance Brokers Perth, ABN 40009419872, AFSL 229847