Chris Mustafa

Chris Mustafa

Chris Mustafa map marker

Suite 19, 2 O'Connell Street Parramatta NSW 2150
Parramatta NSW 2150

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Chris Mustafa


Insurebiz Pty Ltd

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Chris Mustafa is the founder of Insurebiz Pty Ltd. He has over 28 years of experience in the insurance industry. He still has ongoing relationships with clients from the day he started in the industry and believes that clients keep coming back because of our reliability and service. Along with a strong work ethic, Chris’s motto is ‘’you earn trust by doing the right thing by your client, all the time’’. His hobbies include motor sport, fishing, camping, travelling, backgammon and playing cards.
Chris Mustafa is the founder of Insurebiz Pty Ltd. He has over 28 years of experience in the insurance industry. He still has ongoing relationships with clients from the day he started in the industry and believes that clients keep coming back because of our reliability and service. Along with a strong work ethic, Chris’s motto is ‘’you earn trust by doing the right thing by your client, all the time’’. His hobbies include motor sport, fishing, camping, travelling, backgammon and playing cards.
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Location Parramatta
Languages Spoken
ACN 622387259
ARN 249539
CAR 1260948


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