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Insurance Broker vs. Going Direct

Insurance Broker vs. Going Direct
When it comes to choosing insurance for your business, you're probably looking for something that pairs your needs with a good price and excellent advice. Centrewest has been looking after our client's insurance since 1987. In that time, we have helped many companies find the best deal. In this article, we will share some of the differences between working with a broker and simply buying your own insurance online.

Online insurance may cost you less, but dig a little deeper and you will find that the coverage offered is inevitably inferior to that offered by Centrewest. The reality is that, while you might pay more if you work with Centrewest, the insurance that we secure for you will be tailored to your business. Online insurance will not include additional benefits offered by Centrewest or potentially the important cover that your company does need. What you are pay for with a Centrewest broker is as much the advice as the insurance product.

Level of cover
When we refer to level of cover, we are talking about the terms and conditions along with additional benefits and how much the insurance will pay out if something happens. With online insurance, the product tends to be limited and can have exclusions that could be detrimental to you and your coverage. In contrast, working with Centrewest gives you the option to tailor the level of cover to better suit your business needs. Your broker will also be able to make recommendations based on your business needs so that you don't end up with a higher or lower level of cover than you need.

When your business suffers a setback, it can be a relief to know that your insurance covers it. But how long will your insurance take to pay out so that you can recoup your losses? With online insurance, you aren't dealing with a single person, instead you negotiate through a call centre and then follow their waiting periods to receive your money. With Centrewest, you already know who to call and that we will negotiate on your behalf straight away It can mean one less thing for you to worry about as your broker will fight for your business. The support is another one of the hidden costs that can ultimately make online insurance more expensive for you. In conclusion, the short-term savings you make by using online insurance instead of a broker are quickly lost in the medium to long term. By partnering with Centrewest, you get tailored cover that includes support when you need it. Contact us today on 08 9025 3212 for an obligation free chat about your insurance needs.  
General Advice Warning: This advice is general and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the advice is appropriate for you and your personal circumstances. Before you make any decision about whether to acquire a certain product, you should obtain and read the relevant product disclosure statement.

All information above has been provided by the author.

Centrewest Insurance Brokers, ABN 44009265105, AFSL 245406

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