Belinda Sosa

Belinda Sosa

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12 Seahawk Crescent Burleigh Waters QLD 4220
Burleigh Waters QLD 4220

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Belinda Sosa


Ausure Burleigh Heads

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When it comes to qualified insurance advice, clients automatically think of an Industry expert Broker – Belinda Sosa. Specialising in all areas of business, commercial and corporate insurance, its Belinda’s experience and ability to solve the most complex of insurance requirements that her clients love. Belinda is passionate about her industry and goes above and beyond to ensure her clients assets and lifestyles are fully protected. Her ability to provide education as well as professional advice, whilst working closely with her clients to completely understand their specific insurance requirements, means they can relax and focus on their families or businesses knowing Belinda has ‘everything covered’. When it comes to Insurance and how legislation has changed over her 30 years as an industry specialist, Belinda Sosa is a formidable force. Held in high esteem by both clients and industry colleagues, its Belinda’s attention to detail and proven systems that allow those who work with her to feel valued and appreciated. To make sure you are receiving the attention and care you should be around your insurance needs – Call and speak with Belinda today.
When it comes to qualified insurance advice, clients automatically think of an Industry expert Broker – Belinda Sosa. Specialising in all areas of business, commercial and corporate insurance, its Belinda’s experience and ability to solve the most complex of insurance requirements that her clients love. Belinda is passionate about her industry and goes above and beyond to ensure her clients assets and lifestyles are fully protected. Her ability to provide education as well as professional advice, whilst working closely with her clients to completely understand their specific insurance requirements, means they can relax and focus on their families or businesses knowing Belinda has ‘everything covered’. When it comes to Insurance and how legislation has changed over her 30 years as an industry specialist, Belinda Sosa is a formidable force. Held in high esteem by both clients and industry colleagues, its Belinda’s attention to detail and proven systems that allow those who work with her to feel valued and appreciated. To make sure you are receiving the attention and care you should be around your insurance needs – Call and speak with Belinda today.
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Location Gold Coast
Languages Spoken
ACN 612804896
ARN 338346
CAR 1246176


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