Adrian Kim

Adrian Kim

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U4, 6 Kennedy Street, Kingston ACT 2604 PO Box 3198, Weston Creek ACT 2611
ACT 2611

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Adrian Kim


Brindabella Insurance Brokers

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Prior to founding Brindabella Insurance Brokers (formerly BIS), Adrian worked for a number of different companies, ranging from large Australian insurers to small suburban, national and international broking operations, in a career spanning nearly 20 years. Whether it is tailoring new solutions, or challenging existing programs, Adrian believes the relationship between client and broker should be an open, transparent one that not only meets, but exceeds expectations. Adrian holds a Diploma of Financial Services (Broking), and has attained Certified Insurance Professional (CIP) and Qualified Practising Insurance Broker (QPIB) status.
Prior to founding Brindabella Insurance Brokers (formerly BIS), Adrian worked for a number of different companies, ranging from large Australian insurers to small suburban, national and international broking operations, in a career spanning nearly 20 years. Whether it is tailoring new solutions, or challenging existing programs, Adrian believes the relationship between client and broker should be an open, transparent one that not only meets, but exceeds expectations. Adrian holds a Diploma of Financial Services (Broking), and has attained Certified Insurance Professional (CIP) and Qualified Practising Insurance Broker (QPIB) status.
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Location Canberra
Languages Spoken


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